Instant download Psychological Assessment with the MMPI 2 MMPI 2 RF Wei Zhi pdf, docx, kindle format all chapters after payment.
This third edition apprises users of the MMPI-2/MMPI-2-Restructured Form (RF) for the ever-changing landscape of this dynamic personality/psychopathology instrument and its expanding utility in a variety of contexts. Two new chapters addressing the RC scales and the MMPI-2-RF are included in this updated text. Additionally, over 450 new references have been incorporated into the book, with information gathered and organized for practical clinical and forensic applications. The codetype interpretation chapter has expanded its sections with more in-depth feedback information and treatment considerations for clinicians to help in facilitating the formulation of treatment recommendations and strengthening therapeutic relationships with their clients. A number of special scales with clinical and forensic applications are also covered in this edition. An important section has been added addressing the MMPI and suicide.
This new edition is a must-have resource that will inform and guide users of the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF in their daily practices, and assist researchers in conceptualizing the operating characteristics and configural relationships among the various scales and indices that comprise this instrument. From simple single scale interpretation to complex configural relationships, this text addresses a broad bandwidth of interpretive information designed for text users’ at all levels of sophistication.
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Development of the MMPI and MMPI-2
Chapter 2: Measures of Profile Validity and Interpreting the Validity Scales
Chapter 3: Interpreting the MMPI-2 Clinical Scales and Their Derivatives
Chapter 4: Restructured Clinical Scales
Chapter 5: Administration and Scoring
Chapter 6: Interpreting the Content of the MMPI-2: Critical Items, Content Scales, and Subscales
Chapter 7: Interpreting the Supplementary Scales
Chapter 8: MMPI-2-RF: Interpreting the Content of the RF Evaluation
Chapter 9: Interpretation and Report Writing
Chapter 10: Computerized Interpretation of the MMPI-2
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