Handbook of HydroInformatics: Volume I Classic Soft-Computing Techniques 1st Edition – Ebook PDF Instant Delivery – ISBN(s): 9780128212851,97801282197060128212853,012821970X
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 012821970X
- ISBN-13 : 9780128219706
- Author: Saeid Eslamian, Faezeh Eslamian
Classic Soft-Computing Techniques is the first volume of the three, in the Handbook of HydroInformatics series.? Through this comprehensive, 34-chapters work, the contributors explore the difference between traditional computing, also known as hard computing, and soft computing, which is based on the importance given to issues like precision, certainty and rigor. The chapters go on to define fundamentally classic soft-computing techniques such as Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, Supporting Vector Machine, Ant-Colony Based Simulation, Bat Algorithm, Decision Tree Algorithm, Firefly Algorithm, Fish Habitat Analysis, Game Theory, Hybrid Cuckoo–Harmony Search Algorithm, Honey-Bee Mating Optimization, Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, Relevance Vector Machine, etc. It is a fully comprehensive handbook providing all the information needed around classic soft-computing techniques.
Table contents:
1. Ant-Colony Based Simulation–Optimization Modeling
2. Artificial Intelligent and Deep Learning
3. Artificial Neural Network
4. Bat Algorithm
5. Citizen Science
6. Conceptual Grey
7. Data Reduction Techniques
8. Data Science for Utilities and Urban Systems
9. Decision Tree Algorithm
10. Discrete Mixed Subdomain Least Squares
11. Earthen Worm Algorithm
12. Entropy and Resilience Indices
13. Evolutionary Based Meta-Modeling
14. Evolutionary Polynomial Regression Paradigm
15. Firefly Algorithm
16. Fish-Friendly Engineering (Fish Habitat Analysis)
17. Fuzzy Logic
18. Game Theory
19. Genetic Algorithm
20. Gene Expression Models
21. Heuristic Burst Detection Method
22. Honey-Bee Mating Optimization
23. Hybrid Cuckoo–Harmony Search Algorithm
24. Hybrid Mechanistic Data Driven Model
25. Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
26. Integrated Cellular Automata Evolution
27. Lattice Boltzmann Method
28. Meshless Particle Modeling
29. Multivariare Regressions
30. Ontology-Based Knowledge Management framework
31. Random Forest
32. Relevance Vector Machine
33. Rhie and Chow Interpolation
34. Supporting Vector Machine
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